Long ago in a faraway land the Vampire Vixen Series was once called the Shadow Faith Series. The vampires were the same. The story was the same. Only the name had changed.
Mind you, this was actually a few years ago. During that time, I had paperback books of Birth of a Vixen printed up. I was prepared to sell them at conventions when COVID hit.
I had forgotten I had stored away the remaining books. That is until today.
I was cleaning up my office. Procrastinating really. When I came upon a box of thirteen paperback books.
What does this mean for you?
It means that there are LIMITED EDITION books available for purchase.
How do you get one?
Simple. The first thirteen people who comment stating they want one to get one for $20 (free shipping in the US).
This cover will never be used again. I lost the original design when my last computer crashed. The title Shadow Faith Series will NEVER be used again. There are only 13 copies of this book. You’re going to have to move fast before they are sold out. This is a first come first serve basis. So, move those fingers and let me know you want one today.

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