Today completed a three-day Revenue Bootcamp with Jasmine Star, and man, I am feeling pumped.
The first day we talked about mindset. She focused on things like:
1) Am I using the same beliefs?
2) Are you afraid of disappointment?
3) Are you comparing?
When I started the bootcamp the answer was ‘YES’ to all three questions. Now, I am working on rewiring my belief structure.
Without an open mindset that relies on gratitude, not simply a positive perspective, there was no chance I could make it in the publishing industry. These are things my therapist has been working with me on for about a year, but I had applied it to my personal life not my professional career. Jamine Star snapped her well-manicured fingers, and everything clicked.
I am so lucky to have been part of this bootcamp. There is a Launch Class on Monday, February 25 at 10am PST for free. I recommend signing up for it if you want to double your revenue in 60 days. She’s going to lay it all out for us.
You can find Jasmine Star on Instagram and Facebook: @jasminestar.
Good luck to you and have a fun weekend.

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